Povo da Floresta is a documentary about the legacy of Chico Mendes' struggle 30 years after his death, where it investigates and documents the lives of rubber tappers and the protection of the Amazon Forest. The daily lives of the residents of Seringal Cachoeira, where Chico grew up, revealing the developments in the struggle of one of the greatest Brazilian environmentalists.
Director and Screenplay: Rafa Calil
Executive Producers: Rafa Calil, Tito Sabatini, and Flávia Cronfli
Director of Photography: André Soler
Assistant Director: André Soler
Research: Julia Franceschini
Script Doctor: Fernanda Polacow
Camera: Rafa Calil and André Soler
Sound Mixer: André Soler
Production Coordinator: Bruno Oliveira
Production Management: Felipe Miranda
Production Planning Manager: Flávia Cronfli
Financial Manager: Camila Gastão
Controller: Flávia Cronfli
Legal Consulting: Lemos Consultoria
Assistant Executive Producer: Kathelyn Rosa
Producers: Morena Miranda and Juliana Imperial
Editing: Felipe Calil and Pedro Corradi
Editing Assistant: Natalia Farias
Finishing and Color: Felipe Calil
Audio Editing: Felipe Calil and Pedro Corradi
Trailer Editing: Bruno Evangelista and Natalia Farias
Audio Mastering: Comando S Áudio
Accessibility: Gama.TV
Duration time: 90 min
Year of production: 2020
Exhibition year: 2023