The “Comida de Santo” series was created based on the book of the same name, written by Babalorixá Paulo de Oyá and chef Morena Leite. Each episode features an Orixá, a terreiro, of importance for the history of Candomblé in Brazil, and a recipe developed by Morena Leite, which will be the offering to the Orixá in the episode. The series aims to show the plurality of Candomblé terreiros in Brazil, each with its own way of acting and acting in relation to the Orixás. Show the beauty and richness of ancestries, without invading or crossing any boundaries of respect for rituals.
Directed by: Bárbara Cunha
Assistant Director: Marília Viana
Executive Production: Flávia Cronfli and Grifa Filmes
Screenplay: Bárbara Cunha
Script Assistant: Flávia Cronfli
Research: Danilo Umbelino
Presenters: Morena Leite and Babalorixá Paulo de Oyá
Executive Production Assistance: Kathelyn Rosa and Moisés Gouveia
Base Production: Morena Miranda
Local Production: Laura Rosa
Production assistant: Nicole Mingoranci
Controller: Flávia Cronfli , Rapha Estevan and Julia Carlucci
Financial Assistant: Hermes Diniz
Photography and Drone Direction: Renato Stockler
Post-Production Coordination: Felipe Calil
Post-Production Producer: Flávia Cronfli
Editing: Felipe Calil
Assembly Assistant: Letícia Fernandes
Colorist: Felipe Calil
Finishing: Duo2
Format: 6 episodes of 25 min. each
Year of Production: 2023
Year of exhibition: Unreleased